Sunday, March 16, 2008

I hate all car-owners.....

Yes, that's right. I absolutely hate all the car owners and I hate them for their guts. Delhi has such lovely wide roads, but the people (like everywhere else in India) have no civic sense. People open up commercial establishments in their houses if they overlook a main road. And then begins all the irresponsible parking...

I know few people will believe me, but I have really seen people park their cars as if the road is just a parking lot and traffic is not allowed on the road. Rickshaw pullers are forced to leave their lanes and drive in the cnter/right side of the road. Everyone knows how many accidents that can cause. And I hate this situation personally, because it makes it difficult for me to walk. I have to keep watching out to save my ass.

Ever seen people in cars eat stuff? They actually believe that the second function of the road (first is to serve as a parking lot) is to serve as a dustbin. So out of the window goes any waste paper, banana peel, mineral water bottle, empty packets of chips, soda cans etc etc etc. With all this littering, can we ever have clean cities?

And we are talking about the privileged section of the society, who are probably better educated than the poor people. But then, what's education got to do with civic sense, Right?


Syl said...

Looking really good in the pic, Shalu!

shalz said...

thanks buddy...